Monday, July 27, 2009
Whose life will change?
Since we have begun our adoption journey there is not much to report, we are still compiling paperwork. We hope to have everything sent off to Ethiopia next month. In our hearts, we have gone a lot further. I feel like we have already traveled to get her and come back several times. I read so many adoption stories online and I feel connected in a deep way because I know our story will be similar. I have read so much about life in Ethiopia and the conditions over there. I know God is hurting for these people beyond our comprehension. So much so that he puts it on so many hearts to love those who are without hope. I think about the life we will be giving her and the opportunities she will have here that she otherwise would not have. For starters, a chance at life and to live and to grow old. But I wonder whose life will be changed more, her or ours? I know our journey over there will be so eye opening and will change the way I look at the world and the privileges we have over here. As I type I am surrounded by my healthy children and tripping over dozens and dozens of toys. Our dog lays around all day on our plush carpet and gets fed by an automatic feeder whenever she wants. My life, our children's life is so easy and we never worry about our children's next meal or how to keep them warm through the night. I know that we will change so much through this process because God will be leading us and showing us His heart. I long to hold our baby girl but know that God has so much to teach us before he gives us one of his dear masterpieces. I pray for her as she is being formed in the innermost parts, only God knows who she is and that she is ours. I want to kiss her and see her face, I want to hug her and feel our lives change together... intertwined forever.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
So we are in full swing with summer around here! The kids are having a blast and the weather is awesome. We went camping in Tahoe last week with our church and that was so awesome because I finally have a kid (Dason) that I have to try and keep up with on a hike! This was a big deal to me, I feel like our family is getting to a place where we can all do things we enjoy. Of course we will be getting our baby girl and regress a year or two... But for now we are loving the summer fun with our "big" kids. Ky can keep up with her brothers pretty good now. We are a busy fam, even our dog has obedience training this summer. Dason and me are playing bball, Cade is playing soccer, and Brett is doing Yoga four times a week. That's right he will be one limber boy after this! He has always had such tight joints, never could sit Indian style even. So this will be great for him. Now he just needs some yoga pants, ha! This summer is full of events for our family; my mom turns sixty, my brother and his wife are expecting their first in August, my sis turns thirty, it's my 10 year high school reunion, and Caden wouldn't want me to leave out that he'll be four. We went to the party store today and he picked out a superman candle and some pirate plates. Who says you have to stick with a theme? So, until I write again I hope all your days are filled with sidewalk chalk, iced tea, bubbles, water fights, dirt, scraped knees, popsicles, watermelon, BBQ's, sunburn, good friends, and great laughs... Aren't you glad God made different seasons? Everyone I am in I feel like it's my fave!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Babies who Hiccup
I just read the headlines today about the abortion doctor who was shot at his church and killed. Apparently he was one of the few doctors who provided late term abortions, meaning after the 21st week. This is the part that caught my attention, after the 21st week! The babies are over 8 inches long and have eyelids and are drinking amniotic fluid, they can even hiccup. Often times you can even tell gender! How can a man spend his life killing babies? Now, I am strongly against abortion at all stages of pregnancy, but I just find it hard to believe that a highly educated medical doctor who knows way more about the human body than me could look at those babies and not feel anything. I feel sorry for this man, not just in the way that he died, but more so in the way that he lived. What a dark life, I feel even more sorry for him now. I can't believe that this goes on in America. I am not trying to bring up hurt feelings if anyone has had an abortion, I am not talking about the women who are in a tough position and society has given them an "easy way out," and they have blindly taken it and it will haunt them forever. No, I am addressing the doctors who have made a profession based around lies told to the mothers and murder committed to the babies. I think everyone has just turned a blind eye to it and has become numb to it. I think they should post an abortion video on u tube or something so that people can see what is involved. It's just a fetus right, it's just tissue not a baby right? So why don't they have any of these late term abortions on video? Because they know it would look like a massacre of a whole generation. My heart is heavy with the children that have never enjoyed their first steps, a popsicle in the heat of summer, or just a simple kiss on their cheeks. I feel as Solomon did in Ecclesiastes where he sees vanity of life and the injustice of life under the sun. There are so many couples longing for babies and so many who have lost them due to miscarriage. There are so many that want babies, and there are so many babies who die unwanted before they are even born. I know Jesus just welcomes all these babies into heaven with open arms saying, "I want you, I love you, I made you, and you are precious to me."
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Our Adoption Journey Begins...
It is so amazing to even be typing that we have begun the process to bring our daughter home from Ethiopia! We will be using Christian World Adoption and have just turned in our paperwork for the home study to start in a couple of weeks. There are so many risks, what ifs, and unknowns. You can stay up all night worrying about them but we know God is behind us, in front of us, and all around us. We have already seen Him work in many financial ways as we took this leap of faith. I can't wait to see the amazing adventure that God has laid before us. Our kids are excited and eager to meet their sister. They want us to adopt more than one, of course the boys were really wanting another brother. I think they are past that now. We started talking about all the fun things that you can make believe with two sisters and two brothers. (that's all they do all day long is imaginative play.) Dason said excitedly one day, "That means when me and Caden are both Peter Pan we can each have our own Tinker Bell!" Please pray for us throughout the next year and beyond. It will take anywhere from 9-15 months from now to have her in our arms. Which means she is probably growing in her birth mom's tummy now. Please pray for her health and protection.
PS Brett's achichilles tendon is healing good but slow, as we expected. He still can't run and walks with a limp. He tried running once but it didn't feel good at all. Of course part of that was just not being able to run for months, he said his whole body hurt. ( :
PS Brett's achichilles tendon is healing good but slow, as we expected. He still can't run and walks with a limp. He tried running once but it didn't feel good at all. Of course part of that was just not being able to run for months, he said his whole body hurt. ( :
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Typical Conversation over Breakfast:
Dason: Mom, do you know what I want to be when I grow up?
Me: What's that?
Dason: A blue power ranger!
Me: That's cool honey.
Caden: (whining) I want to be the blue power ranger when I grow up!
Dason: You can't be, I am. Do you like pink Caden? I like pink.
Caden: Yeah, I like pink, I'll be the pink power ranger.
Dason: Pink is for girls Caden!
Caden: Mom, Dason said pink is for girls. I want to be the blue power ranger!
Dason: I am the blue one!
Caden: No, me!
Dason: I said it first Caden!
This is the point where I get so mad that we are even continuing this ridiculous conversation. I want to scream out a couple of points;
a) I am so tired! I haven't even had coffee yet! You guys woke me up super early to argue about power rangers?!
b) You don't know even know what a power ranger is! You only heard about them from your little preschool friends.
c)) Even if after you researched what it entailed and you still wanted to be one, Mommy would not let you. It is far too dangerous of a profession!
d) Really, we are really arguing over the color? I feel like breaking out in that 80's love song, "I can say black, and you'd say white, tell me it's day when I know that's it's night, it's always the same it's just a shame that's all."
e) Power Rangers are fake, they don't exist, and they are so lame! They are some foreign show that is cheaply put together but because they are fighting bad guys they can have every little boy hooked.
But I don't say any of these things, instead I calmly say.
"You guys can both be the blue power rangers and be on the blue team!"
They accept this and resume eating their cereal. I pat myself on the back feeling confident in my problem solving skills. Then Caden pipes up with a mouthful of cereal and milk dribbling down his chin.
Caden: I think I'll be the green power ranger.
Dason: No, Caden, mom said you're blue. I am going to be green!
Caden: No, I am green! Mom!
Dason: Mom!
Now, I do an internal scream and contemplate running out of the house. Would they notice? I could probably go to the store and come back and they would still be there arguing. But mostly I just want to climb back under the covers and sleep until noon...
Dason: Mom, do you know what I want to be when I grow up?
Me: What's that?
Dason: A blue power ranger!
Me: That's cool honey.
Caden: (whining) I want to be the blue power ranger when I grow up!
Dason: You can't be, I am. Do you like pink Caden? I like pink.
Caden: Yeah, I like pink, I'll be the pink power ranger.
Dason: Pink is for girls Caden!
Caden: Mom, Dason said pink is for girls. I want to be the blue power ranger!
Dason: I am the blue one!
Caden: No, me!
Dason: I said it first Caden!
This is the point where I get so mad that we are even continuing this ridiculous conversation. I want to scream out a couple of points;
a) I am so tired! I haven't even had coffee yet! You guys woke me up super early to argue about power rangers?!
b) You don't know even know what a power ranger is! You only heard about them from your little preschool friends.
c)) Even if after you researched what it entailed and you still wanted to be one, Mommy would not let you. It is far too dangerous of a profession!
d) Really, we are really arguing over the color? I feel like breaking out in that 80's love song, "I can say black, and you'd say white, tell me it's day when I know that's it's night, it's always the same it's just a shame that's all."
e) Power Rangers are fake, they don't exist, and they are so lame! They are some foreign show that is cheaply put together but because they are fighting bad guys they can have every little boy hooked.
But I don't say any of these things, instead I calmly say.
"You guys can both be the blue power rangers and be on the blue team!"
They accept this and resume eating their cereal. I pat myself on the back feeling confident in my problem solving skills. Then Caden pipes up with a mouthful of cereal and milk dribbling down his chin.
Caden: I think I'll be the green power ranger.
Dason: No, Caden, mom said you're blue. I am going to be green!
Caden: No, I am green! Mom!
Dason: Mom!
Now, I do an internal scream and contemplate running out of the house. Would they notice? I could probably go to the store and come back and they would still be there arguing. But mostly I just want to climb back under the covers and sleep until noon...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Brett's Sweet Looking Achilles Scar
So, Brett had the first of many doctor's appointments. They took off his cast (that's when these pics were taken) and put on another lighter weight cast. Don't ask me why they would put on the heavy cast right after surgery! He is able to be a little more independent (little is the key word) and says he won't take walking for granted after this. He got the stitches out so now we just wait for it to heal. Want to know how awesome God made our bodies? Apparently if you don't have it surgically fixed it will fix itself. The ends will find their way back to each other! How crazy is that? I guess this works for severed veins too. Doctors just sew the ends off and wait and they can come back together. What an awesome Creator God!
PS In case your curious why we opted for surgery, it's better because it has less chance of re-rupture
PS In case your curious why we opted for surgery, it's better because it has less chance of re-rupture
Thursday, January 29, 2009
January comes to an end...
Can you believe February is almost here? We have almost finished out the first month of 2009. This last month was full of ups and downs. Main Down: Brett's injury. Main up: My brother is getting married and have a baby! I am excited for February because it's Valentines Day and that means at least one day next month I don't have to cook. I have actually been looking forward to it for quite sometime. I have become very selfish with holidays now since starting a family. I take ownership of all of them and feel entitled to be served and given a break. As if my life is so awful or something that I need time away. Even though having three little kids is definitely pull-your- hair-out frustrating most days, they still are the biggest blessing that God has let me be a part of. Not only play a role, but one of the most instrumental roles in their lives, being their mother. I need to get out of the rut that my life is hard and I need a break all the time. My life is amazing, I am able to stay at home with my kids. God will give me the strength, patience, kindness and love for them I need each day.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Surgery went Good
Surgery went well. He tore it down low, which was harder to put back together. And unfortunately, will probably take longer to heal. He is feeling good now as his foot is still numb. Thanks for all the prayers! Will put some pics of pale Brett up soon...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Surgery Tomorrow
So, now they discovered that he tore it completely and so he will have surgery tomorrow. After that he will be in a cast for 2 months and then a walking cast after that. Pray that all will go well tomorrow. Brett is a little nervous about going under the knife...
My Husband's Worst Nightmare
Ever since I met Brett he has been deathly afraid of his achilles tendon tearing. It even became a joke and I would mess around and grab the back of his ankle to freak him out. Then last night he was playing basketball and shot a three (made it) and then turned around to run down the court and heard a pop. He said he thought someone had threw the ball at the back of his leg really hard and then he felt the pain and realized what had happened. So, he is on crutches now and it will take about 4 to 6 weeks to heal. I actually find it somewhat amusing, I laughed when he told me because he use to talk about it all the time. Although, I do feel really bad for him. I told him to think of the positive, he is off duty for kids waking up in the night, or wiping butts in the bathroom, changing diapers, taking out the trash, unloading dishes, taking care of our dog... I have to stop because the outlook of the next month and a half for me is looking pretty grim.
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Maybe we need a bigger pool...
My big guy
Daddy and Ky in the snow
Nana and Cade Cade
Dason loves sledding
He was going the whole time, loved it!
Catch a glimpse of our crazy family!!!
Thanks for stopping by. Wish we could share a cup of mocha together and just talk. It's hard when everyone decides to move away and start their only family after college. What's up with that? Me and Brett are working on buying our own island and then everyone we know and love could come live there and we would never be apart again. Until then, we will communicate through technology like the rest of the world. If you know Jesus we will all be reunited in heaven anyway and that's way better than the whole island plan because those cost a lot of money and Brett isn't good at saving it. I am always trying to get him to save money and not spend it but he always blows it on frivolous things. (if you know Brett, you know that's a total joke; the man could be in the middle of the desert parched and not spring for a glass of water)
All Packed up

Loaded down with kids and gear
Sitting around the Campfire

All the boys

I love dirt!
Camping at Bodega Bay

DeVries and Reeds
Welcome to our family's page